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Harness the full power of OpenWater and iMIS

With OpenWater integrating with iMIS, no data slips through the cracks. Start by quickly connecting your iMIS instance with OpenWater. We can help. From there, leverage OpenWater to create your awards/grants/abstracts and automatically sync with iMIS. All with no coding skills required. Report on the success of your application/review program directly from iMIS. No more siloed data.


Your members login using the credentials they already have with your organisation. After being validated, they will be sent over to OpenWater with their information pre-populated.

Data Push Back

Our integration creates panels in iMIS for each workflow you have in OpenWater and maps the data to each iMIS user who submitted (Party Id). All of the data captured in OpenWater can be queried in IQA. You can build custom website widgets and display the data.

Person Lookups and Other Queries

We can harness the power of IQA right inside an Open Water application. One of the most common uses of lookups are to ensure authors associated with a conference abstract are correctly identified.

PayCentral Integration

Our integration automatically creates products for workflows that have fees in OpenWater. The data is pushed back to Pay Central and is tied to the logged in user.

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